Parent Center and Parent Resources
We welcome any parents who can offer their time to volunteer and to get involved with school activities, workshops and more! The Parent Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M-12:00 P.M. It is located in room 55. Please contact our Parent and Community Representative Amy Wilson via email: [email protected] for more information on how to help our students.

Please join us on October 20th at 8:30 a.m. via Zoom for a presentation on internet safety and how to help your child use social media responsibly.
Únase a nosotros el 20 de octubre a las 8:30 a. m. a través de Zoom para una presentación sobre seguridad en Internet y cómo ayudar a su hijo a usar las redes sociales de manera responsable.
Meeting ID/ID de reunión:
407 598 5664
Passcode/ Código de acceso:
407 598 5664
Passcode/ Código de acceso:

Parent Involvement
Below are links to Parent and Family Engagement Policies and Grade Level Compacts.
Title 1PFEP English 2022-23Title1PFEP Spanish 2022-2023
Second Grade CompactThird Grade CompactFourth Grade CompactFifth Grade Compact
1-Compacto en Espanol2-Compacto en Espanol3-Compacto en Espanol4- Compacto en Espanol5- Compacto en Espanol